Mechanics' Days

Some members enjoying a sunny Mechanics Day

Lancashire Branch runs a "Mechanics' Day" on a Saturday once a month at Kenlis Road, Garstang, PR3 1GD starting at 10:00am.

The purpose of the Mechanics' Days is to enable Branch members to work on their Minors with advice and encouragement from others including our Technical Advisor.  These days are not intended to be run as a garage repair shop but a way for members to support each other in a sociable and friendly enviroment.  They enable members to have a chat and a brew as well as carrying out any work. Pies for lunch are an added bonus!

The Branch has a good stock of spare parts which are available in return for a contribution to Branch funds.

Liability for work carried out remains with the owner of the vehicle.

Members who may wish to work on their cars can contact any committee member or turn up on one of the days scheduled in our calendar.

Do come and join us - you will be made very welcome whether or not you need to work on your car.  Watching others is a great way to learn! 

Our next Mechanics' Day will be Saturday 8th February 2025