This is always our first social event of the year and one which our members really enjoy. It was a typical cold wintery day and so most members did not arrive in their Morris Minors - however some brave souls did venture out in their Moggies. Over fifty members joined the lunch and it was good to catch up again after all the Christmas and New Year festivities. As always, Ferrari's Country House Hotel provided a superb lunch.
This is always a good rally and once again our friends at the Manchester Branch MMOC held a brilliant event. There was a great range of Minors on display in the museum building and even the weather was fine. A great start to the 2024 classic car season.
Congratulations to our Branch member Ian Wilson for winning the ‘Best in Show’ Prize with his recently restored Morris “Speedbird”.
Rustival is a new event organised by Steph Holloway from Idriveaclassic and her friends from Hubnuts on YouTube.
The weather was sunny but quite chilly but it certainly didn't put anybody off. There were around a thousand cars there from pre-war right up to the 2010s. There were several Minors there, including a 1950s side valve 4 door that had been imported back from Canada during the Korean war, it was in amazing condition and even had painted wheel trims apparently due to the shortage of chromium at that time. There were also several Minors owned by some young enthusiasts too which was great to see, one of my favourites was a "rat look" 4 door split screen that looked as if it had been painted with a roller! There was also a very nice Million which was from the Bristol Branch of the owners’ club. The museum also did not disappoint, there were several Minors on display but the one that caught my attention was the fire appliance that had been built to be used on the Cowley assembly line should the worse happen and was still in use until the early 1980s. All in all, it was a great day out and I strongly recommend it to be put in your diaries for next year.
This photo was taken at Heskin Hall when members met up for the North West Classic Vehicles monthly meet. There was another Minor there that wasn’t able to park up with the rest of us. Six Minors is a good turnout for early in the season but there were other Branch members there that weren’t in their Minor, so the Branch was well represented.
This annual Branch event is always enjoyed by those members who take part and this year was no exception. After meeting as usual at MacDonald’s on the A59 and driving in convoy to Bolton Abbey Station, 13 Morris Minors parked in front of the station buildings to be widely admired and commented on by visitors to the railway. A professional photographer had members posing with their cars and polishing mirrors whilst, as always. Ken Gration and his Panda Minor attracted particular interest.
Drive it Day is always an important event in the classic car calendar raising large amounts of money for Childline. It was created by the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs in 2005, and aims to raise awareness and support for the historic vehicle movement and keeping transport heritage on the roads. This year was no exception and the Branch met for a spectacular run out to mark the event.
Twenty-two cars, including 0ne member's magnificent Rolls Royce and another's lovely red Peugeot, met up at the British Commercial Vehicle Museum in Leyland before embarking on a fabulous 23 mile run around Rivington, Standish, Mawdesley and Eccleston. The weather was kind and the scenery spectacular as we all drove to meet at Leyland Garden Centre near Croston for coffee, lunch and a natter. Everyone was so enthusiastic and clearly enjoyed being part of an amazing convoy of Morris Minors driving through (sometimes narrow) country lanes.
For a change there was sunshine and blue skies in Chorley for the Lancashire Vehicle Club rally at Astley Park, this brought a great turnout of about 200 or more cars and many admiring visitors to this famous and historic park. There was a good showing of Lancashire Branch MMOC Minors and some were parked on the Astley Hall side of the Lake. This year Branch Minors were not awarded any prizes, some members were winners in the LVC charity raffle.
The Branch had focused on Sunday at the show, hoping for good conditions, but the weather had other ideas and meant that there was more mud on the site and some fears about getting stuck in the mud on the show field. Some members meet Longridge for the convoy run to the show. Sadly, the weather was a little damp, with some particularly heavy showers and even some hail at one point. So, there was a bit of time spent sheltering in the cars as well as getting caught out in the rain whilst walking around the show. However, it was still thoroughly enjoyable and we enjoyed chatting to fellow branch members.
The Spring Bank Holiday weekend was a busy one as Chipping Steam Fair was on the Saturday and Sunday followed by Bank Holiday Monday at the Great Harwood Agricultural Show.
The Branch holds a rally at the event and the organisers very generously give free entry for the driver and a passenger of a classic car and access to the whole of this huge Agricultural Show. The classic car section is just a small part of the attractions on offer at the show, which features lovely animals including rabbits, horses, dogs and pygmy goats (which are very, very cute). There was a wide range of stalls offering some wonderful, artisan products as well as a wide variety of food on offer too.
If you have never been to this event before, or were unable to attend this year, please do add it to your calendar of events next year, you’ll not be disappointed!
After an early downpour, the weather turned out to be quite pleasant at Heskin Hall for the regular North West Classic Vehicles meet up. Other local events attracted Lancashire Branch members, though two Branch members were there in their very nice MGs.. The car of the show was the lovely 1967 Ford Anglia. Given the early rain it was a great turnout overall for North West Classics.
Summer arrived on Sunday the 2nd of June and it was a really lovely day, bright sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. The entry was limited to 180 vehicles due to limited space on Skipton's High Street and there was a really good selection of vehicles from throughout the decades but the largest group by far were the American cars - not to everyone’s taste but they did attract the crowds. A wonderful event.
This show gets better and better each year. It has something for all the family. Very similar to Chipping Steam Fair with the mechanical exhibits (Steam, Tractors, Commercials etc.) but with elements of an Agricultural Show.
Branch members attended the event their Convertibles and a Morris Minor Milk Float.
A good, interesting local show with plenty of Tractors, ancient and modern (nearly 100) and a very small Classic Car and Commercial section (15 cars and 5 commercials). This is always a real Lancashire agricultural show with loys of activities and stalls to please everyone. Some of our members represented the Branch in a range of interesting Morris Minor vehicles. A great day out.
The Great British Motor Shows event at Leighton Hall in Carnforth is where we have held our annual Branch Rally over many years. Thanks to the great relationship with the organisers, built up over that time we were given a prestigious place in front of the Hall, which makes for a really wonderful backdrop for our Branch stand.
This year, we were joined at the show by friends from the Cumbria and Leeds Branches and it was great to have their beautiful vehicles displayed with those from the Lancashire Branch. In total we had 39 Minors on display.
Another weekend – another show. This a 2 day show and it is always a busy and well attended event with the public and exhibitors. Our Branch members were joined by our friends from the Cumbria Branch MMOC on the Saturday. Although this year our Branch did not win any prizes one member did not come away emptyhanded as she won a prize in one of the raffles - a very large White Bear!
Many years ago a former Branch Chairman arranged for our Branch to visit Heywood Station on the East Lancashire Railway. The railway gave complimentary travel on the trains in exchange for the display of Minors and it made for a wonderful day out. The legacy of this arrangement is that the railway now host their own classic vehicle show every year, at which the Branch has a strong presence at this beautiful heritage railway.
For the last two years, we have been joined at the event by friends from the Leeds Branch, who bring along their wonderful cars and we enjoy sharing the event with them. This year, they brought six Minors along, having enjoyed a lovely drive over the border to the railway.
Given the wet weather during the day and several regular attendees being on holiday, we had an excellent display of Minors and the highest number of members attending the meeting - at least 56 there. Fortunately, the rain held off and allowed a lot of chatting outside, with lots more inside, and viewing of the great display of Minors. As usual members enjoyed the annual BYCN supper. A brilliant evening enjoyed by all.
It was great to see a variety of Minors parked at Ferrari’s Country House Hotel for our usual Branch summer lunch. Thirty-five members and friends enjoyed the usual excellent food and service provided by the Ferrari’s staff and the usual banter and chat about trips out in our lovely cars was enjoyed. Superbly organised as always by Shirley Riley the event was as good as ever and we are all grateful to Shirley for her efforts, twice a year, in bringing us all together. Our Chairman Andrew gave a vote of thanks to Shirley which everyone echoed.
Our Branch car run was a superb 29-mile scenic run organised by two of our members through the beautiful North Lancashire countryside. Everyone set out in convoy along the A6 – what a great site a convoy of Minors always is! We soon left the A6 behind and as we drove through Inglewhite towards Chipping the lovely scenery got better and better. Our drive took us towards Bowland with Leagram and the Whitewell Estate where we passed an old phone box often shown in photographs (and the door was open with someone inside!) Onwards to Dunsop Bridge where we branched off to start our climb ‘over the tops’ through the Trough of Bowland. We drove up an extremely steep climb and experienced a heavy shower or two as we carried on through magnificent scenery but all the cars performed admirably over sometimes challenging roads and cattle grids!
Eventually we were on our way down steep gradients and sharp bends before arriving back at Daisy Clough Garden Centre in Scorton for a well-earned coffee and lunch.
The site of so many Minors driving through such lovely scenery was magnificent and was made all the better with by standers waving and calling out encouragement as we drove by. This was a lovely run out - Isn’t this what owning a Minor is all about?
Some members enjoyed a day at this event which which was held in the centre of the town. They were made very welcome and our cars were placed on a front row. It was a relativley small and local event with Rossendale Radio providing music and a food van if you needed lunch. However, it was a poor day weather wise but this did not seem to put the public off who spent time around our cars. One vehicle, the Batmobile, proved to be very popular and there were several other lovely cars to be viewed.
This was a really good show and with something for everyone. Members displayed their Morrises as part of the great display of classic cars, tractors, commercials vehicles and military vehicles, There was even lawn mower racing, tractor pulling, a children’s circus, varoius animals and giant tortoises. Have you even noticed the similarity between a Giant Tortoise and a Minor Saloon?
The annual run to the Blackpool illuminations is always a popular event with Branch members and this year was no exception. The convoy started at the Phantom Winger pub in Fulwood (a handy location, being right by the M55 motorway junction) and 6 Minors made their way along the M55, probably catching the tail end of the commuter traffic and the start of traffic going to the illuminations. We arrived at Starr Gate to find several other Minors and other cars belonging to Branch members waiting for us. We left shortly afterwards for the convoy up through the lights to the Bispham Kitchen. This year, although attending in the same week of October as last year’s run, it was much darker and we got the full effect of the lights all the way to Bispham where members enjoyed the traditional fish and chip supper. It was such an enjoyable evening that it seems a shame that it will be twelve months until we get to go together again – roll on next year!
A very sunny October Sunday for the monthly informal car meet at St Catherine's Hospice in Lostock Hall resulted in a bumper turnout of cars and the car parks were packed by 10:00am with more cars than ever before - over 150 cars!, A first-time visitor with his Morris Minor was Steve Whittingstall, who had joined our LMMOC Branch at the September meeting. He had bought his Minor only a few days before coming to the meeting; he said he thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and found it very friendly.